A productive workday done in 20 minutes


My daughter is asleep under a lounge chair, as I write this. And it´s business related.

One of the best things about running my own business is the opportunity to stay at home when your family needs you to. (Not that it´s always me doing that, I share quite equally with my husband).

I had a 20 min weekly planning session with my Creative Fierce group this morning, during which my daughter fell asleep under a chair. In the meeting we do what we always do on Mondays: getting an overview over the most important+urgent and important+long term priorities.

I have nothing on my calendar this week that looks anything like a fire that needs to be put out, a crisis that needs to be handled, or deadlines I have to adhere to. I have some slack and can move things around.

Knowing what I should work on IF I get time to work later in the week, also makes me relax so much more when I´m at home taking care of my little girl.

I used to "hate" planning because I never DID everything that I planned. But now I view it differently. I LOVE planning because it´s like flexing a freedom muscle. A plan is not set in stone, it´s a tool to help you navigate both the super productive days - and the days or weeks where you need to focus elsewhere.

And that´s what makes for a healthy work-life-balance and a successful entrepreneurship journey in my opinion.


Write down 3-5 things that you would have a hard time giving up on if you were to get a regular job instead of being an entrepreneur, self-employed, freelancer or business owner. These will give you a clue towards figuring out how you define success in your work-life, and how you can build your business around what is most important to you in your daily life.

Join us!

If you want to be part of Creative Fierce, you can read more about it here (in Norwegian).


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